Live your dream, no matter what others say!

I was planning on writing about something else, but I got very upset over a post I saw on a friend’s feed today. It was making fun of ‘Karen’ in this picture:

I don’t know who posted this picture first online, so I can’t give proper credit. But I want to thank the lady in the picture for being brave and showing up for herself!

This picture came with laughing emojis and all. And most of us probably have noticed that ‘Karen’ is a generic name used for a person who is stupid or eye roll-worthy. So not cool! 😡 She is living her dream! Why would you feel a need to knock her down? My experience suggests that people who do that stuff are just miserable in their own life and we should ignore them. It’s not like they are trying to do something worthwhile with their time. I posted about it on social media and made comments. And you know what? People who liked (and loved) my posts/comments and wrote other encouraging notes were mostly the athletic types. We know what it takes to get to that finish line. We want to encourage others to be healthier and make good choices. And, most of all, we want others to appreciates sports we love!

So I say, whether you are lady on the right or one of the ladies on the left or anybody in between, you do you. I applaud you and I will do my best to lift you up and, if you’d like, help you in your journey! 🙌

These pictures came from Runner’s World Instagram feed. Great magazine!

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