I love carb loading! But what about taper?

My lovely trainer told me to start carb loading a bit. I love that! I keep eating a lot of bread and all my meals include some solid carbs like pasta and rice. Who doesn’t want spaghetti and meatballs for dinner? I am really set with my dietary habits, so this is an adjustment, but I can’t complain. I am also no longer constantly hungry, so I’m loving it! It will be hard to go back to a more vegetable-based diet afterwards…

On the other hand, the taper thing… I was given 25 miles to run yesterday. I will admit it: I didn’t make it that far. I did 20 miles. I had still energy left at the end, but my hip was starting to bother me. I’d rather not risk an injury two weeks before the race… I have to admit that one hand, I have been looking forward to resting, because this new training regimen has been keeping me tired. On the other hand, I haven’t been running quite as much (replaced by biking and swimming), so I am enjoying running a lot more. Variety – the spice of life! At least now I have fewer workouts for the next two weeks. I am still doubtful about 16 miles next Monday. I really don’t want another long run… I have been thinking: maybe if a person obsessed with running doesn’t get to do it for 2-3 weeks much, they just go nuts by the time race comes and then they make up for the lost time? I sure would!

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