Vinson Massif

Since I have decided to start with the shortest mountain and go towards taller ones, second on the list is (obviously) Antarctic’s Vinson Massif. Well, at least doing it virtually I don’t have to freeze my butt off or do any rock climbing. Since I’m afraid of heights, that would have been ‘fun’.

Day 1

I took up Vinson Massif the very next day after finishing Mount Kosciuszko. I will later realize it was a stupid idea and rest days are indispensable.

200 floors per day was quite a workout, but when I did the math, I realized I would never get anywhere. Therefore, I upped my game to 250 floors per day. It was miserable, but I am sure it will make me stronger.

Picture courtesy of mini-me. I am surprised how good I look.

Day 2

Happy Easter! (to those who celebrate it)

Once again, my mini-me photographer was there for me. I know for a fact she thinks I’m a bit crazy and way too into working out.

Fun fact: that shirt stains like CRAZY. My sports bra underneath was white beforehand. Now it looks like an Easter egg.

Day 3

I was really tired in the morning. I don’t think that a workout helps with exhaustion, but at least I got my heart rate up and blood flowing, right?

Day 4

I really wish I could say things got better on Day 4 relative to Day 3… I seriously thought I would end up tumbling down face first. I figured it makes for an interesting shot 😉. (and yes, with every passing day, it gets harder and harder to come up with an original idea for a picture)

Day 5

You may or may not recall my accident back in October. Here is when the subject came up: all this walking up and down the stairs started to take real toll on my knee. This compression sleeve helps a little, but not as much as I’d like. I am pretty sure that not having a rest day didn’t help my knee. So from now on – sleeve on the knee to help it survive my craziness. Say no to injuries!

Day 6

I know I’m not looking so hot in this picture, but trust me: I’m excited. That’s because the next day was going to be the day I reach the top!

Day 7: Finish line!

Banged up, but happy. I have learned first two lessons: I need rest days and my knee can’t survive this kind of punishment. Actually, last day was the best one of all my climbing days on my way to Vinson Massif. Fingers crossed that next mountain will be easier!

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