Using headphones while working out

Let me start by saying this: I think there is a special place in hell for people who subject others to their music in public spaces. I mean people who ride their bikes blasting their music over speakers or skiers doing the same. I am not interested in your music and let’s face it, there is a good chance that songs will contain something inappropriate for kids around. So that’s definitely a big no from me!

Ok, that was a little rant after my weekend of being forced to listen to questionable music in lines to ski lifts (and no, the music was not coming from the PA system, it was coming out of speakers other skiers were carrying around).
Now that my rant is over: I love listening to podcasts when I run.


Headphones are definitely a big issue During races. Ironman has a general policy banning headphones. I think all marathons I ran said that you can have headphones, but it makes you ineligible for prizes. Personally, I am slow, so that’s not much of a disincentive for me and I do enjoy something with a strong beat once I hit the wall in a marathon. I have raced without headphones in IM70.3 Gdynia and to my surprise, I was fine. Ok, so maybe the bike ride got tough at times… But by the time I was running, it was crowded and loud and I was just fine. So check your race guidelines if you are allowed to bring them with you. Maybe you can plug into the atmosphere of the race instead?


Before you get any further, check if you are legally allowed to. It’s especially relevant when you are riding a bike on regular streets. If you’re going through multiple jurisdictions, check each one of them. If at any point during your ride you are prohibited by law from using headphones – leave them at home!


One of the main concerns I have when using headphones is safety. When you are on the road or on a trail, you want to make sure you are aware of what’s going on around. You don’t want to be this guy:

Inability to hear other people on the road is flat out dangerous! You might get hit by a cyclist. Or run into another runner. How about animals? Dogs, anybody? Or if you see this cutie:

And let’s not forget his very protective mama! Yeah, you need to know what’s going on around you. If you have to listen to something, here is a couple of suggestions:

  • Don’t use noise cancelling headphones
  • Turn down volume, so you can hear what’s going on
  • Use only one headphone

I use a combination of all three solutions – I use non-noise cancelling headphones and keep only one in my ear, volume set in a way that doesn’t drown out everything. Some days, it’s hard to do it, especially towards the end of a particularly brutal training sessions – I like to drown out self-doubt and misery with a strong beat. But if it’s not safe, I won’t do it. Safety first!

Train how you race

If you run/ ride just for yourself and never do any races, this is not a concern. However, it’s important to be prepared for conditions in which you will be racing. Most of us remember open water swims, hills and bad weather. But we forget to train for the right state of mind. If you will have to spend 5, 10, 14 hours alone with your own thoughts, you’d better prepare yourself for that. Race day is not a good time for experiments!

Your own state of mind

I love using my cardio sessions for my mental breaks. I do love listening to podcasts or music, but some days, it helps me clear my head if I get to experience perfect silence. I get creative ideas and solve problems when I don’t have additional stimulation and my mind wanders. Consider if that would help you. Many studies we need time to be bored. This may be a fabulous opportunity for that!

On the other hand, listening to podcasts may be stimulating to your mind. I use training time to learn new things and sometimes for pure entertainment. I don’t have much time in life for ‘doing nothing’, so I enjoy catching up on news, developments in science and subjects I ignored in school.

How about just the joy of listening to news (or your favorite comic/ gossip podcast 😉). If that’s what keeps you going, that’s great! Do it! Just make sure to consider the laws and safety first.

Side note: I have been seeing a lot of comments online about using headphones while you swim in the pool. Personally, I love training in water when I don’t have to pay attention to anything and I have zero stimulation. I come out feeling better about the world! Another thing to consider: can you safely share the lane and respond to directions from lifeguards if you can’t hear?

So should you use headphones in training?

Consider carefully all the pros and cons. Laws and safety (yours and that of others) should be your top priorities. After that, decide what you want your head to get out of the session – clearing of the mind or intellectual stimulation. Whatever you choose, make sure to enjoy 😊

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