Training update

I have only five weeks left until Ironman Maryland 😱

Since I haven’t been sharing my progress much recently (well, there is a , here is where I’m at:

So yes, I have made good progress on getting to the distance. I am still going with the philosophy that you don’t run full marathons in training, since they take way too much toll on your body. But I’m up to the distance in swimming and biking! I’ve done each a couple of times. Swimming is fine (although my face feels weird for being in chlorine for that long), but spending so much time on the bike is still pain in the @$$ (pun intended 😜)

Current thought on the race day goal: to cross the finish line by the time they close it and not get pulled off the course for going too slow. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it’s my first race of that distance and it’s a LONG distance.

In terms of mental readiness: I am just ready to be done! I want my Saturdays back!!! I think that in the future, I will stick to shorter distances. I am definitely exhausted and it’s no longer fun. Actually, I was remembering on my run last weekend people complaining that they are sooo over this whole training thing before their first (usually only) marathon. I am pretty sure I was there, too, right before Baltimore Marathon. So maybe this feeling just comes up during peak training? On the other hand, I think this girl would appreciate me being home more:

And coming soon your way: my race day gear reveal!

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