Productivity porn

Pretty much everybody in the world got stuck indoors for at least a while, without the ability to go about their lives as usual. Fortunately, most places recognize the need for people to exercise. I hope you have been still getting your workouts in!

During this craziness, I got introduced to a new term: productivity porn. To those of you who haven’t heard about it – it’s basically posts telling the world how much stuff you have accomplished that day. Right after learning the term, I learned that there is a large number of people who hate it.

There are many days where my social media feeds look like a definition of the term with posts in short order:

And still finding time to bake muffins and do my regular job. I do have days when I just sit on the couch and binge watch tv, don’t worry šŸ˜‰.

Here is the thing though: I got judged for being an obnoxious overachiever during the quarantine. In my defense: I’m always like this…

I am sure that there are ‘productivity olympics’ going on out there. Somebody will always, without a fail, turn even the most mundane thing into a competition. They are like: so you made sourdough bread? I made elaborately decorated cupcakes as a dessert for my gourmet 7-course meal! Well, I also wrote a book! I speak a new language!

Those people are everywhere. Unfortunately, they are not motivating or fun to follow. They are the downers: they aim at proving to the whole world how awesome they are and that everybody else is a loser. Let’s unfollow those guys…

I always hope to inspire people – make them feel that if I can do it, they can do it too. I want to be helpful and share openly my trials and errors. How many scrapes, bruises and torn pants I have shown off over time… I have heard some people say that I inspire them. It made me so happy! Come join me! Some people may need to live vicariously – I am happy to tell you about my exploits. I will make it more real with some serious fails if you don’t mind šŸ˜‰.

I know productivity porn is not everybody’s thing. If it bothers you, mute or unfollow. If it’s a toxic person practicing one-upping: definitely unfollow. But if you can spare those people a minute, you may find something that inspires you. Maybe a cool thing for you to try? Maybe they have an interesting view on life or some activity? Perhaps watching their journey will just be entertainment. Either way, I’m happy to show off my ‘productivity porn’ to anybody who’s interested šŸ˜Š

Iā€™m on Twitter: @agataborradori and on Instagram: @agataborradori

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