When your mailbox and social media feeds look kind of like this:

it’s really hard not to get discouraged and demotivated. My Ironman Maryland wasn’t cancelled yet. I say yet because my money is on it being cancelled. I saw yesterday a post from somebody saying that their August Ironman in Europe was getting cancelled. I am not optimistic about my prospects in here.
Last weekend I was scrolling through my social media. It’s mostly filled with inspirational people and various athletes. I saw a page Mount Everest In A Month. I thought ‘oh, let’s do it!’ But I am an overachiever… So this is how my challenge started: I will climb stairs to match height of tallest mountain on each continent.
Here are the assumptions I used:
- I am using height as measured from sea level
- Each of my steps in 20 cm tall
- One floor has 14 steps
- I have a sheet on which I put a check mark every 5 floors, so I won’t lose track
- Not really an assumption: I wear my 20 lbs vest to make the experience a little bit more realistic (like it’s similar at all 🤣🤣🤣)
Report from the first mountain is coming up tomorrow!
(Obviously, reports are not going to be a regular weekly occurrence – I will report the next day after finishing)