Mount Kilimanjaro

Off to Africa! I actually know a few people who visited this mountain. To the best of my knowledge, getting there is mostly like a really long hike. So here is my hike:

Day 1

Taking a day off and not wearing the weighted vest turned out to be amazing ideas! Even my knees are starting to feel better! I actually took advantage of it being Sunday and did 500 floors, so I could finish on Friday. I thought of doing two days’ worth of hiking, but I was plenty beat after 500. I actually spent the rest of the day just relaxing.

Day 2

Just ran up and down, feeling great! I even had energy left over for an afternoon bike ride before strength training with my coach 😊

Day 3

Climb 350 flight of stairs and an hour long bike ride just a couple of hours later? Sounds good to me! Kilimanjaro is going great 😊

Day 4

Awesome stair climbing, lunch time run and a bike ride? As somebody put it: I win the productivity award! I think I am getting into the swing of things!

Day 5

Or maybe not… I mean the climb went fine, but I had no energy left over for a run or a ride. I even asked to skip the strength workout with mini-me! I do tend to this to myself: get overly excited about the shape I’m in and overtaxing my body. But tomorrow will be the summit!

Day 6

Hurrah 🎉🎉🎉

I made it to the top of Kilimanjaro 🎉🎉🎉

I got my new Garmin the day before and it was its first trial. One thing it totally failed at: counting floors. I know for a fact it was more than 21 floors!

I think I will need to do a long run this weekend to keep up that running muscle working, but on Sunday, it’s time to jet off to Alaska, so I can conquer Denali!

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