Mount Everest, Day 5


Six and a half weeks and I am done with the seven summits challenge.

We have definite answer: it took me 5 days to get to the top of Mount Everest from sea level.

Today’s climb was definitely a mixed bag. On one hand, I felt tired and totally not in the mood for climbing stairs 410 times. Creaky stairs didn’t help. On the other hand, I knew this is it. Once I’m done, it’s over! The challenge is complete! If you haven’t noticed, dear reader, I excel at sucking it up and just continuing. So that’s what I did. I just sucked it up and kept going. I have done it. And what do I have to show for it? The bragging rights of course! One of my Twitter followers said I’m the queen of stair climbing. I am totally claiming that title 😆.

What’s next? I think that’s obvious: Ironman Maryland hasn’t been cancelled yet. And even if it was, there are other races and future years. I will be ready!

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