Mount Everest, Day 4

Much better… I was in much better shape than yesterday and making good progress. Feet ok, knees ok, no tripping over my own feet. So that’s the good news. The bad news – my head wasn’t quite ready for doing it again. It was a total roller coaster of feelings. At times, my mind was otherwise occupied and I was just flying up and down. At some other times, it was dragging.

At a low point, cheating crossed my mind. But then I started to think: this is a personal challenge I gave myself, no strings attached. Worst-case scenario is having to admit to people I gave up? What would cheating look like anyway??? Yeah, that was a dumb thought and I kept going and checking off floors climbed. I am ready to be done though.

Here is the good news: I did 400 today, so I have 410 left to go. This means I will be done tomorrow 🥳

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