Mount Everest, Day 3

If I was to give a title to today’s climb, it would be Running on Fumes. It was hard! I had every intention of doing 400 floors, but it was just not happening. I was dragging my feet, took a few breaks and I just couldn’t… Not that 350 floors is something to be ashamed of. It’s just not what I was hoping for.

I think this is an important reminder for all of us: rest days are important. Nobody’s body can take infinite punishment. I remind myself that I have only 2 more days left. Mount Everest is 3160 floors tall and I now only have 810 left. Hopefully, I can finish them in 2 days 🤞. I have weights training tonight with Diana, but it’s upper body. Other than that, I am sticking to staying off my feet and getting rest!

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