Mount Everest, Day 2

First thing: I have no idea what’s the deal with pace number. I looked through my history and I think it deserves to be ignored.

I made it through 1100 floors, for the Mount Everest total of 2000 floors. Total is 3160, so that’s 1160 floors to go. I think I have a plan for the remaining climbs, but you will have to stay tuned to find out what it is 😉.

My legs were a bit sore when I started in the morning. Who can blame them for protesting though? I did climb 900 floors just yesterday! Fortunately, my feet were up to it. Right off the bat, I wanted to do today at least 1100 floors, so I would finish the weekend with at least 2000. I warmed up quickly and it was going great!

My Garmin has one limitation that makes sense for pretty much everybody else in the world: it allows only up to 999 floors climbed. Who would be crazy enough to climb more than a thousand floors in one attempt??? Me. The answer is me. And probably nobody else. So I decided to split the recording into two parts. Happy coincidence: after 800 floors, it was just about time for lunch. I took a half hour break to eat a proper meal. I also iced my knees. I figured it would do them some good. While I was at it, I changed socks. When I touched the shoes, I quickly realized I needed a new pair of those, too. It’s a good thing I have plenty of those around 😉.

5 hours of walking up and down the stairs definitely wears on the mind! I usually listen to podcasts, but today it just wasn’t doing it for me. I ended up putting some silly show on my tablet and set it up on the stairs. It helped keep me distracted. Technology can be your friend!

My feet were definitely killing me after a while, but the fresh socks and shoes made it way better. The knees did start protesting, too. I thought of doing another 100 or 200 floors to help me get across the finish line. However, on the last 100 or so, I started to trip over my own feet. I don’t know why. I didn’t feel like I was in trouble. But there it was: a sign to wrap it up and get some rest. Still, 1100 floors in one day is great!

I thought some of you may be interested in what I do to recover after effort like this. It’s pretty much the same as what I do after marathons and long runs: a long cold bath, followed by some couch potato time. I did get a slice of cake and tea, too. Feel free to judge my eating habits 😉

Come back tomorrow to see updates on progress!

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