Mount Everest, Day 1

When I started this morning, I was doing a lot of mental math, trying toe how many days I will need to finish Mount Everest. At first, it was slow going. I always need a few minutes to get going. It always does. Then I totally hit the stride! After a couple of hundred floors, my right knee told me it wasn’t happy. I put on one of those stretchy fabric knee braces on and it helped surprisingly fast. I was back at it and going strong! To be hones, after a while I don’t even sweat all that terribly much, although I was already totally soaked. I judge by sweat going down my face.

I knew I wasn’t going to last all day running back and forth and after 900 floors, I decided to break for lunch. It was getting to that time of the day and as it is, my Garmin can’t go above 999 floors. I considered starting a new session after lunch. But one part of my body has had enough. I was surprised which one, too: my feet. I am pretty sure that I sweated so much that my feet were wet and it led to the soreness. Tomorrow, I’m changing socks after 500 floors!

I wonder how many floors I will manage tomorrow… It will be key to how long this adventure will take, since I have to work and starting Monday, I will have less time for my stair climbing. Stay tuned for more progress reports!

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