Mount Everest

I decided to throw myself a little curve ball: let’s see how fast I can get to the top of virtual Mount Everest. I did a poll on Twitter if I should do Mount Everest in a week and 69% said I should do it, while 31% said I’m crazy. There were no ‘NO’ votes. Since I am getting mentally tired of this whole thing, I decided to try to do it as fast as possible. I will be starting on Saturday morning. Check daily on the progress!

In the meantime, here is more on the mountain:

Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world, as measured from the sea level. It’s 29 029 feet (8848 meters) tall! It’s part of the Himalaya mountains, which are the tallest mountains in the world. They are located in Asia and go through multiple countries, including India, China and Nepal.

We call it Mount Everest, but locals have two different names for it. In Tibetan, it’s called Chomolungma and to Nepali, it’s Sagarmāthā. Personally, I think I will stick to Mount Everest…

Mount Everest is so tall that it’s in Death Zone. When you go higher up, air gets thinner (that’s why it can be harder to breathe when you travel to the mountains). Death Zone is so high up that a person needs to use an oxygen tank to breathe. Edmund Hillary reached the top first in 1953. The first people to summit Mount Everest without supplemental oxygen were Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler back in 1978. That’s quite something!

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