March 16, 2020

For many of us, spring races have been either postponed or cancelled. I know you are disappointed. I am, too – I will be missing out on Big Sur Marathon 2020 because I can’t make it in the fall (I already have IM MD scheduled!). But your training is not wasted – you are in better shape than before. You are healthier. And now you just have extra time to prepare. Remember that racers are not the only ones impacted – there are many who rely on races for their paycheck. Those were not easy decisions for race directors, I am sure. Please stay safe and healthy. The better we are at social isolating and cutting down transmissions we are, the sooner it is over and they will be able to stop cancelling/ postponing the races. If you have an urge to say ‘but I would be fine’, remember that you can still be a carrier and it’s not all about you. In the words of Mr. Spock:

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

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