Getting self-conscious at the gym

Remember the guy who dressed up in costume to accompany his buddy to the gym because the buddy thought that everybody would stare at him because he was fat? I have heard this many times before: I am too fat to go to the gym! People will stare at me if I go to the gym!

First of all: as a skinny person at the gym, I can honestly tell you that I don’t judge you negatively for showing up with a few extra pounds. I applaud you for your decision to make a positive change in your life. I talked about this to one of my closest friends. He also workouts at lest once per day and enjoys gym classes. He said that he goes out of his way to help and encourage people who appear to be struggling with the workout and will offer advice if asked (but won’t budge in). As to others? My observations suggest that vast majority of gym goers are busy doing their own thing and notice you only if they need to ask if you still need some piece of equipment. I am not going to claim there are no judgmental a-holes out there. Those guys are everywhere, but gym is not their natural habitat.

Secondly, I did look at various places and talked to many regular gym goers. You know what they say? Majority of them say that when they are at the gym, they are busy doing their thing and don’t watch others. And those who do notice you? They either are happy for you or want to encourage you without scaring you off.

Regardless of how many times we hear that other people don’t care about what we look like at the gym, it is a feeling one has and logic won’t always be good enough to silence the mean little voice inside your head. So here is a couple of ideas on how to cope:

  • Visit a few gyms before you sign up and check them out. Pick one where people appear friendly. Some gyms do attract douches. It’s a fact of life. Fortunately, they are few and far between. Go with the best atmosphere
  • Choose your workout time – it may be easier on you to go when the gym is not as busy. I also prefer earlier times. People who come in after work tend to be a bit edgy due to life’s frustrations and may make you feel rushed or unwelcome. Best to avoid that, regardless of your fitness level. I sure do!
  • Find a workout buddy. There is strength in numbers! It’s easier to go when you know there will be at least one friendly person at the gym
  • Make friends at the gym – it’s all about connecting with others and gaining support. It will also show you that you are surrounded by well-wishing people
  • Get a personal trainer – this has so many benefits! Not only will that keep others away, you will have a guide and personal cheerleader with you
  • Find a class you enjoy – this one is for most part helpful, as you will be surrounded by encouraging people. Word of caution though: some may be discouraged because they can’t do some of the exercises or last the length of a class. But it is a common piece of advice and, as such, needed to be included in this list
  • Plug into your own world – book, music, podcast, movie, whatever. Occupy your mind with something that will keep you away from wondering if people are staring at you

I hope this helps you conquer your fear of joining a gym. Fitness is a great journey and we all have to start somewhere. Go out there and do your thing 😊

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