
Apparently there is a debate out there whether Elbrus or Mont Blanc should be counted as the tallest mountain in Europe. I am going with Elbrus for a simple reason: I am doing it remotely, so it’s not like a real mountain is involved. And Elbrus is taller, so one can say it ‘contains’ Mont Blanc in it.

Day 1

Day off after Mount Kosciuszko and Vinson Massif was nice. On the other hand, I decided to up my daily stair count. Since it was Sunday, I had spare time. I went with 500 floors. This way, I can fit all of it by Friday and have Saturday off.

There was a stain on the carpet on the stairs. I have known about it for a while now. But there is nothing like going up and down those stairs for almost 3 hours to get you motivated to get it cleaned up!

But let me tell you: 500 floors is a lot and I was joking that nothing but a wet spot was left of me 😅

Day 2

So my body was starting to really hurt. My ankles were sharing in the misery that were my knees. I tried wearing my hiking boots and it helped a bit. I ended up ditching the vest though. No part of my body was ok with the 20 lbs pound vest on my shoulders for hours at a time. I am still going to finish the challenge. Just without hurting myself.

Day 3

Guess what? Going without the vest was a pretty reasonable workout! And it hurt way less. Now I am back to thinking I can really do it 😊

Day 4

I woke up without any pain 🎉. Now I really think I can do it. Although the knee support is still useful… That stupid turn is just an accident waiting to happen.

My body may be getting better, but my stairs I think are starting to show some wear and year. I think I will need to get them fixed up once like goes back to normal(ish).

Day 5

I was just flying! I think that a few days away from the vest was just what the doctor has ordered! I’m not going to claim this suddenly became easy on my knees, ankles and feet, but it’s sure easier. And my shoulders are definitely grateful! Tomorrow, I get to the summit!

Day 6

Yay! I crossed that finish line! It was hard, but it gave me a great sense of accomplishment! That’s pretty much all that was on my mind when I was doing the last set of stairs.

I also suspect my daughter thinks I totally lost my mind… She might be right… But I need to entertain myself somehow with during the quarantine, right?

Stay tuned for Mount Kilimanjaro!

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