
Can you believe it? I really think many people thought I’d give up by now! As my follower though, you probably know that I don’t give up easily. I just keep going and going and going…

First, here is some info on the mountain:

Many of us didn’t get to learn about Denali in school. we heard all about Mount McKinley. The name wasn’t changed until 2015. During the gold rush, a prospector named the mountain after a presidential candidate (who will become the 25th president of the US later). However, 5 years ago, its name was restored to what it was called traditionally by the local native tribe.

Denali is in Alaska and is part of the Alaska Range. It’s the tallest mountain in North America. It’s also one of the tallest mountains when measured from base to the top. It’s much taller in that way even than Mount Everest, the tallest mountain above sea level.

The first person to attempt getting to the top of Denali was James Wickersham in 1903, but he failed. In 1906, Frederick Cook claimed that he got to the top, but this claim was unverified. It wasn’t until 1913 that somebody climbed to the top and it was confirmed! It was actually four men: Hudson Stuck, Harry Karstens, Walter Harper and Robert Tatum.

Day 1

I took the day before off. Well, it was off from stair climbing. Instead, I went for a run. It was glorious! The only thing is that they promised clouds… You can probably tell by my shoulders that the clouds were not over the sun 😉. It probably would have been nice to give my knees a day off from running and stairs, but too late now!

Day 2

I ended up with 350 floors. Somehow I got a really late start on the day and I just couldn’t do the planned 400. I did the math though – it will still get me to the top in 6 days, so it’s all good. Shoulders are still hurting from the sun burns though 🙁

Day 3

I did the math and I am now over half way into my stair climbing challenge! Yes, I think of silly things sometimes when climbing all these stairs. I have been spending a ton of time on walking 14 stairs up and 14 steps down. And I can’t always be thinking of smart and witty things…

Also: happy Cinco de Mayo!

Day 4

I did 400 floors and still felt great! I am loving this challenge!

Day 5

The only reason I keep doing it is because I said I would… I am so over it! So in case anybody has been wondering: yes, I have bad days too. What made me think this was a good idea???

Day 6

Yay! I made it to the top! That’s definitely helpful. I kept reminding myself the whole climb long that I am getting close to the top. I only have two more mountains left and I won’t bail at this point, but I am starting to think of training after this ends. I look forward to running, biking and swimming!

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